Product Ecosystem
Solutions For Your Energy Needs
Enerex Connects Retail Energy
Solutions for Every Stakeholder in Retail Energy Transactions
Sparkplug represents the most trusted cloud platform for retail energy brokers and other third parties. It has the largest number of users, broadest feature set, and industry leading security.
Like the iconic “sparkplug,” it is a crucial part of the process of generating energy to drive your business engine.
Managing Suppliers’ #2 cost should be easy.
CRAFT is a secure, cloud-based platform that provides accurate compensation management, detailed analytics, real-time reporting and ultimately, helps your organization grow your top and bottom line.
Retail energy is a multi-hundred-billion dollar industry operated by Excel and Email. We aim to change that with Enerchat, the first and only real-time encrypted communication platform designed specifically for retail energy.
What’s more? It’s FREE! Brokers and Suppliers can chat an unlimited amount for FREE on this secure communication platform on iOS, Android and the secure web.
Point-to-point connections through proprietary portals don’t solve the need for a “common language.” Without this central, trusted hub for data exchange, the retail energy has continued to find efficiency to be elusive. Until now.
Exchange brings the first of its kind inclusive API-driven approach to connecting the retail energy industry using an open, secure “hub and spoke” model.
Energy procurement, when done well, requires a detailed, process-driven, iterative approach. However, customers often miss the hard work that goes into successful sourcing efforts, when all Brokers have to show for their efforts is a price on a page.
Exchange Live lets Brokers, Suppliers and Customers literally get on the same page during energy procurement events, leveling the playing field while providing an opportunity for Suppliers to differentiate, and Brokers to stay visible during the procurement process.
In our distributed world, its is common for Energy Brokers and Consultants to have outside third parties originating and closing business. Often times, these independent agents can’t get bogged down in the full back-office process of sourcing energy contracts, but need a quick, branded experience to connect with only the key parts necessary for them to serve their customers’ immediate needs.
Meet Generator, a web-based interface, integrated into Broker websites, which allows independent Agents to connect using logins or codes, gather pricing, generate and submit contracts in a fully-automated, self-service fashion.
By aggregating data from across the industry into a proprietary data warehouse, we are able to produce unparalleled insights about what is going on in retail energy markets.
Licensing data, aggregated and anonymized transaction data, publicly available pricing data, consumption data, demand data – all come together to tell a story unlike any that can be told by a single company.
While Energy Suppliers have had solutions for EDI, CIS, Billing, Load Forecasting, Risk Management and Hedging, one major gap remains: where to store and manage data prior to enrollment for Commercial & Industrial customers?
Our secure cloud solution for Retail Energy Providers finally fills this gap, giving REPs visibility and control into their sales funnel for both direct and indirect sales channels. Further, Propeller connects to Exchange enabling seamless, secure data exchange with channel partners throughout the Deal Lifecycle.
energize your business
cohesive solutions to manage every aspect of your energy broker business

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On boarding is easy with guided steps to get your business up and running on any of Enerex’s products.
Solutions For Your Energy Needs
With tools to make every part of your sales and back office process more efficient, and a support team to help you, getting started with Enerex has never been easier.