Enerex - CORE Helps Make Sure You Get Paid

CORE Helps Make Sure You Get Paid

After you land that big energy deal, CORE takes over behind the scenes and estimates what payments you should receive and when you should receive them.  CORE offers virtually unlimited options for supplier payment schedules.  50% on switch date and residual starting at contract midpoint?  No problem!  The Cash Flow Forecast report graphically shows you, by supplier, an estimate of your cash flow for each of the coming 12 months, based on those supplier payment schedules.  We handle the heavy lifting so you don’t have to spend hours upon hours poring over spreadsheets.

Once the payments start rolling in, CORE’s reconciliation reports help you make sure you get paid everything you’ve earned.  CORE offers several different reconciliation reports – you pick the mix that’s right for your business.

Fee Variance Report:  Reports payments in which the fee on the payment does not match the fee on the contract.

Payment Gap Report:  Reports missing supplier commission payments.

Reconciliation Summary Report:  Overview of your entire book of deals.  For each deal, information includes how much you should have received vs how much you did receive, gross variance, estimated AR, and remaining forecast.

Reconciliation Detail Report:  Gets down to the details for each deal.  Shows you where the amount paid and/or usage varies more than a user-defined percentage from forecast.
